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Milk being poured into Coffee cup next to yellow espresso machine

The Origins of Aussie-Style Coffee: From Beans to Flat Whites

Sheep sat on chair

Lost Sheep Marketing Manager

Wednesday, 25th September 20243 min read

Ah, Aussie coffee. It’s more than just a drink; it’s a full-blown culture! Whether you're sipping on a flat white in a cosy café or getting your morning hit from a local roaster, Aussie-style coffee has taken the world by storm. But where did this obsession with quality, flavour, and craft come from? Let’s take a dive into the origins of Australian coffee—because, mate, it’s more than just a cuppa!

Quality First, Always

When it comes to coffee, Australians don't mess around. Good enough? Nah, not even close. It has to be exceptional. Aussie coffee culture is built on a foundation of high standards, where only top-tier coffee beans make the cut. From sourcing fresh, flavorful beans to roasting them just right, every step is carefully considered. Whether it's your daily brew or a speciality cup, there’s a laser-sharp focus on the best flavours possible.

Speciality coffee is at the heart of Aussie coffee culture, and Aussies have truly become connoisseurs—exploring all the different beans, roasts, and brewing methods out there. If you aren't sure how to get the best from your beans, check out our brew guides.

A World of Beans

Let’s talk beans—because Aussie coffee is all about variety. You’ve got your Arabica beans (try our Sweet & Fruity The Filter One), famous for their smooth, sweet, and fruity flavour profiles. Then there’s Robusta, the bolder, stronger sibling that delivers a punch of flavour (and caffeine). Aussie coffee shops brew both, but for that true Aussie-style coffee Arabica will reign supreme in your local café due to its more complex taste.

But variety isn’t just in the beans. Aussie coffee lovers are adventurous, always experimenting with different origins and blends to keep things fresh. After all, who doesn’t love a surprise with their morning brew?

Lost Sheep Coffee pod in Canterbury Bus Station

Milk-based Espresso Drinks? We’re in!

One thing’s for sure—Aussie coffee culture is defined by its love of milk-based espresso drinks. The iconic flat white (our classic Get to the Hopper blend is perfect for this) is a prime example, with its silky smooth milk and the perfect balance of espresso. Aussies just know how to nail that sweet spot between too much milk and too little, creating a velvety drink that's hard to beat.

It's no wonder the flat white has become the darling of coffee shops worldwide, but let’s not forget the classic cappuccinos, lattes, and piccolos that are all part of the Aussie menu.

Coffee being poured from our Giesen roasting machine in our Big Yellow Roastery

Third Wave Coffee: Not Just a Trend

The term "third-wave coffee" might sound like something from a hipster café, but it's actually a massive part of Australia's coffee history. It's the evolution of coffee from mass-produced cups of joe to carefully crafted, micro-roasted art.

The third wave is all about the details—knowing where your beans come from, how they’re roasted, and even how they’re brewed. It’s a shift from the traditional Italian espresso culture that hit Australia years ago to a more artisan, bespoke coffee experience. This wave has given rise to niche roasters and café owners who are serious about their craft, turning every cup into an experience and this is where the Lost Sheep Journey began.


So, the next time you enjoy a beautifully crafted flat white or sip on a fruity single-origin coffee, remember—it’s more than just a drink. It’s Aussie coffee culture, and it’s built on a love for quality, variety, and a whole lot of passion. So why not grab a bag of beans or ground online, or join us (or one of our partners) to try a quality brew in-person?

Cheers to that, mate!


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